Welcome to the LA lowdown. Here you will find information about the use of 21st century tools in today's society. Follow me as I learn how to apply each of these 11 tools in my 5th grade language arts classroom.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tool 5

Social bookmarking is something I had no experience with prior to learning about it through Tool 5.  At first I was thinking, how will this be better than regular bookmarking?  I quickly learned that it is such a help to be able to get to my usual bookmarks from any computer.  Better yet, I can share new education sites from the various tags easily with others.  This will be super helpful within LA because my teammate and I can quickly share the bookmark for a new site.

After joining Delicious, I decided to search through popular bookmarks with the tag "education" to see what came up.  Instantly I was drawn to Live Mocha, when I read the description for free online language learning.  I always wanted to try Rosetta Stone, but I didn't want to part with the money.  Live Mocha is very similar in style.  Plus, I could have my ESL students use their google accounts to gain access to use friendly English lessons.  I could even use it as a language arts workstation for other students who are just interested in learning more about a particular language.

My second choice was Snappy Words.  This visual dictionary is so fun to use and could be implemented in multiple ways.  It gives kids the ability to learn the definition of a word, synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech in a fun new way!

1 comment:

  1. Okay LA Lady -
    You are the star student!!I am so glad you liked Delicious! That is the one I use too. I haven't used the search feature on there very often, but after reading about your finds, I will go back and try that! I love to two websites you found. These would both be great with ESL students. I am also impressed with your hyperlinking!! Great job!
